The implementation of the “Construction of a fertilizer plant on the basis of the “Gorny” Federal State-Owned Enterprise property complex” investment project (hereinafter referred to as the “Project”) is based on the necessity to draw into economic activity the property complex of the former “Gorny” chemical weapons destruction facility in accordance with instruction of the President of the Russian Federation No. Pr-1922 dated of July 27, 2012. And also taking into account the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2018, No. 204 "On national goals and strategic tasks for the development of the Russian Federation until 2024".
Production Enterprise Platex”, LLC (hereinafter referred to as the “Scientific and Production Enterprise Platex”, LLC) has developed the concept of the “Construction of a fertilizer plant on the basis of the “Gorny” Federal State-Owned Enterprise property complex in the Gorny settlement of the Krasnopartizansky district of the Saratov region” investment project.
The Special Purpose Company “Gorny”, LLC (Taxpayer Identification Number 7702406205) has been established by the project promoter being the “Scientific and Production Enterprise Platex”, LLC in order to implement the road map on accomplishment of the investment project with the assistance of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Saratov region.
Upon the request by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the letter on possibility to allocate gas quotas in the volume of 1billion cubic meters per year for the Project implementation has been received from the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. The letter on possibility to supply gas in the volume of 1 billion cubic meters per year for the Project implementation has been received from the “Gazprom” PJSC.
On April 4, 2019 the Technical conditions for natural gas in the amount of 1 billion m3 per year were received from PJSC Gazprom Department 308 for the implementation of the Project.
The public hearings concerning “Construction of a fertilizer plant on the basis of the “Gorny” Federal State-Owned Enterprise property complex, its influence on the social and economic situation of the territories and the environment” have been held in the Mikhailovlsky Closed Administrative Territorial Unit of the Saratov region. The Project has obtained the unanimous support.
On August 15, 2018, an agreement was signed on a trilateral agreement on cooperation in the implementation of the Investment Project between the Government of the Saratov Region, represented by the Governor of the Saratov Region, V.V. Radaeva, the head of the Russian representative office of Wuhuan Engineering Lio Chang and the General Director of SPK Gorny E.Vaulin.
Three independent examinations of the investment project were carried out:
- Examination of the project of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
- Examination of the project of JSC "NIIK" (JSC “Research and Design Institute of Urea and Organic Synthesis Products”)
- Examination of the project of JSC "GIAP" (JSC “State Institute of Nitrogen Industry”)
All three examinations characterize the project as effective and show the absence of a negative impact on the mineral fertilizers market in the Russian Federation.
The Project has received the preliminary approval by the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.
The attractiveness of the “Gorny” Federal State-Owned Enterprise property complex for arrangement of construction of a fertilizer plant can be explained by the following factors:
- the availability of a full-fledged production infrastructure suitable for organization of high technology chemical production;
- the availability of a dependable safety system ensuring protection of the personnel and environmental media against negative impact of the consequences of the chemical production operation;
- the availability of the highly qualified personnel skilled in safe handling of highly toxic substances under the conditions imposing special requirements to the professional skills and degree of adaptation to the work in the harmful labour conditions;
- the availability of the highly developed utility networks and services supporting the production infrastructure.
The project provides for the transfer of property part of the Federal Fiscal Enterprise "Gorny" complex and land under it for long-term lease with the right of redemption..